Friday, May 22, 2009


Congratulation to our young learners. We held Young Learners Examination on 28 March 2009.
What is Young Learners Examination (YLE) ? Young Learners Examination (YLE) is a reliable and consistent measure of how well your child is doing in the skills of listening, speaking and reading and writing. Tests are designed to make learning fun and children are encouraged by working towards certificates and earning the 'shields' that record their progress.

There are three levels for children to work through, Starters (orange level students), Movers (red level students) and Flyers (blue level students), with Starters being the first, aimed at young children with very basic skills. Fiona got Flyers certificate, sheila and david got Movers certificates. Once again congratulation to all of you and keep up your English.

If you want to know more about YLE please come to KELT at Darmokali 34 or you can call us at 031-566-1308

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